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Medtech Educational Support

MedTech Europe is the European trade association representing the medical technology industries, from diagnosis to cure.

It represents Diagnostics and Medical Devices manufacturers operating in Europe.

At MedTech Europe all aspects of the MedTech industry’s relationships with Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) and Healthcare Organisations (HCOs) are regulated by the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice, which came into force on 1 January 2017.
This Code has undergone an important change, applicated from January 2018: independent medical education has to be supported exclusively by funds through Educational Support.

Educational Grants supplied to support HCP participation by covering or participating to cover their registrations and/or travelling, accommodation expenses to Third Party Organised Events, such as SMILE Congress 2022, will be provided to Healthcare Organisations (HCOs) or Professional Congress Organisers (PCOs).


If you are a European MedTech Industry partner and you wish to provide grant funding support for the SMILE Congress 2025, you can reach us out by sending an email to